Kelowna, BC V1P 1S2 (250) 864-1679

Take Advantage of Our Reliable New Construction Painting Service in Kelowna, BC Today!

If you’re at the end of your house-building project, you might want to consider hiring a professional to paint it for you. This is because painting a new place is no easy task. Sure, you can find DIY tutorials online on how to paint a wall. But these are for people with experience, which most homeowners do not. If you want it done quickly without compromising on the quality, consider hiring a professional painting service provider like Donovan Coleman Painting. We can professionally paint the walls of your new place in the Kelowna, BC area.

Why Hire Painters
To paint your new place or house, you are going to need to prepare a lot. Aside from having the tools and the means, you also have to find time to paint. You won’t have time during the weekdays because you have other things to do. As for weekends, you’re either busy or you have plans already. There’s no time to paint. This is why it’s best to hire an expert to take over the painting task for you.

Why Hire Us
You might have many choices when looking for a new home painting contractor in Kelowna, BC. But if you want a professional painter that can provide you with excellent services without going over your budget, we got you covered. Our team of highly trained painters will come to your location complete with the tools needed for the job, as well as the expertise. We can ensure to deliver of exceptional painting workmanship using time-tested techniques. With our services, you can have a beautiful new home before you know it.

When it comes to a new place or house, who would have the time to repaint it? You should definitely turn to Donovan Coleman Painting for the job. For inquiries about our new construction painting service or to book our services, feel free to call us at (250) 864-1679 today!

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